Presenter Media Hack Software

This professional biography has been assembled exclusively using national third party cited references per Wikipedia Standards. The over 700 cited 3rd party sources. Facebook-Hack.jpg' alt='Presenter Media Hack Software' title='Presenter Media Hack Software' />Wake Up New Zealand What Does The Globalist Agenda New World. Order Plan Mean For New ZealandersPresenter Media Hack  SoftwareCurrent Events and Breaking News. What Parents Should Know About EMFs And Wi. Fi 5. G Is An International Health Crisis In The Making. August 1. 7 2. 01. From Activist. Post Activist. Post Various. EMFs electromagnetic frequencies and RFs radio frequencies contribute to Electrosmog both frequencies affect and compromise the human organism, especially childrens. How To Download All Your Hotmail Emails more. Ive been a consumer health researcher since the late 1. Python For Engineers And Scientists Pdf here. I was one of the few healthcare professionals to learn and to be concerned about vaccine adverse events in the 1. I knew or those I worked with began hearing Moms heart wrenching stories of how their infants were damaged by vaccines and had not been the same since. Related What Science is Telling Us About Earths Electromagnetic Fields How They Connect to Our Own. As a result of that exposure on a very definitive timeline, Ive been following the research, activism, corporatism, and politics of vaccines ever since. My 2. Vaccination Voodoo What YOU Dont Know About Vaccines is available on Amazon. Presenter Media Hack Software' title='Presenter Media Hack Software' />Elected governments are false fronts coordinated by a global shadow government. Get a free email address from AOL now You no longer need to be an AOL member to take advantage of great AOL Mail features such as industryleading spam and virus. Spring_Pro-56946.jpg' alt='Presenter Media Hack Software' title='Presenter Media Hack Software' />However, for how harmful vaccines are for virtually castrating the immature immune system of an infant andor toddler, there is something equally as harmful, if maybe not worse, which just about everyone thinks is perfectly safe. What Im talking about is microwave technology wavelengths that enable all the smart phones, Apps and other high tech devices and games most people buy into and love, plus accept as safe. Nothing can be further from the authentic scientific facts. There are several particulars I think you ought to know. The information is imperative to understanding health problems and issues, which, unfortunately, can stem from andor be caused by constant EMF exposures, especially at low levels. Related Wireless Tech Specialist 5. G Will Irradiate Populations Violates Human Rights Nuremburg Treaty 1. All smart andor microwave tech gadgets safety parameters are based on World War II science and thermal effects. None consider non thermal radiation wave length adverse health effects. Any electronic device that can send andor receive voice, data, graphics, etc. RFs. Cell phones, i. Phones, Wi Fi, routers, baby monitors, are significant devices emitting RFs. Those devices operate in the 2 3 4 GHz gigahertz range, which are more problematic or harmful especially to children. Why are children more vulnerable to EMFsRFs Kids bodies and organs are still developing the brain until around 2. All human bodies contain between 6. Therefore, childrens smaller, less developed bodies and tissues are more vulnerable to RF exposure, especially from Wi Fi in school and at home. Microwaves vibrate water. Water and microwaves Water molecules contain three atoms and so can vibrate in a number of different ways. When microwaves pass through water the water molecules absorb some of the microwave energy and as a result they twist and turn, writhing around, as the radiation passes by. Source. Think of Wi Fi using this analogy Wi Fi is like leaving your microwave oven on, operating at high power with the oven door left open. Now think one such analogy and device for every room in your house, if your house is not hard wired for safe Wi Fi, but you use routers. Keep all high tech, smart appliances away from the use by children, especially cell phones for those who are young. Source. No cell phones, TV, computers, electronic games in a childs bedroom. Never allow anyone to sleep with a cell phone on the bed, clasped in their hand or under a pillow. Fried brains, anyone At night, turn off circuit breakers to bedrooms, if need be, to get away from AMI Smart Meters sending EMFs with dirty electricity or sinusoidal harmonics pulsing over copper wiring inside your bedroom walls, thousand times faster than the 6. Hz wiring is built to carry. Those sinusoidal waves radiate out 6 to 8 feet and have been documented as interfering with the brains production of melatonin, which occurs during sleep at night when the body is in the recuperativerepair stage of its 2. The Schumann Resonance is the hertz frequency at which the human body resonates or vibrates electromagnetically, which is 7. Hz. Humans basically are electromagnetic beings. That is confirmed by medical tests that measure brain, heart and muscle activity. However, EMFsRFs coming off microwave technology appliances are in the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands times faster ranges, therefore, contributing constant stresses to all bodily functions, especially the brain and central nervous system. Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window. EMFsRFs affect children on the Autism Spectrum leading to higher anxieties, plus more confusion. Therefore, exposure should be eliminated from all sources and appliances. Source. 9. High tech reliance is a newly acquired human addiction, which has psychologists worried about the younger generations and how they are being affected negatively, socially and emotionally. Study a comprehensive chart of the Electromagnetic Spectrum to understand how various smart appliances are rated. Cell phones frequency ranges are from 3. KHz to 3. 00 GHz. Because of such extreme overuse and addictions to i. Phones, smart phones and cell phones, tech providers now want to install 5. G microwave antennas right outside your front porch on a pole. G has not been tested for safety, as far as I know, and it can be assumed the U. S. Federal Communications Commission automatically will approve it as safe as they have approved all other frequencies based upon the erroneous ICNIRP Internal Commission on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection principle that there are no EMFRF wavelengths as non thermal radiation waves, just thermal or heat effects, which comes from World War II radar research days. Related Create A Low EMF Bedroom The Foundation Of A Healthy Life. Its 2. 01. 7 how far behind the scientific times does the microwave industry have to stay to hoodwink everyone, like the tobacco industry did until the 1. Surgeon Generals Report on Smoking and Health. In April of 2. 01. Italian court ruled a work related use of a mobile phone caused an executive to develop a benign brain tumor. Slowly awareness is coming into the high tech microwave world of legal law suits. However, microwave industry associations science is flawed and their products and services are compromising to human health. Theres a terrific cartoon like infomercial on the Internet about how utility companies Smart Meters will collect and sell your personal use data and information to unknown third parties for marketing purposes without your knowledge andor consent. High tech created the algorithm Onzo, which tracks your every appliance usage. Google O N Z O smart meter algorithm and watch what you dont know come to reality. One Hertz Hz equals one cycle per second. One kilohertz KHz is equivalent to one thousand cycles per second. One megahertz MHz equals one million cycles per second. A Gigahertz GHz is a frequency equal to one billion hertz or cycles per second. Microwaves are a specific category of radio waves that loosely can be defined as radiofrequency energy at frequencies ranging from 1 GHz to 3.