Detailed Project Report Solar Power Plant Pdf Viewer

Colonization of the Moon WikipediaLunar outpost redirects here. For NASAs former plan to construct an outpost between 2. Lunar outpost NASA. The colonization of the Moon is a proposed establishment of permanent human communities or robotic industries12 on the Moon. Discovery of lunar water at the lunar poles by Chandrayaan 1 has renewed interest in the Moon. Polar colonies could also avoid the problem of long lunar nights about 3. Sun continuously, at least during the local summer there is no data for the winter yet. Permanent human habitation on a planetary body other than the Earth is one of science fictions most prevalent themes. As technology has advanced, and concerns about the future of humanity on Earth have increased, the argument that space colonization as an achievable and worthwhile goal has gained momentum. Because of its proximity to Earth, the Moon has been seen as the most obvious natural expansion after Earth. There are also various projects in near future by space tourism startup companies for tourism on the Moon. Proposalsedit. Concept art from NASA showing astronauts entering a lunar outpost. The notion of a lunar colony originated before the Space Age. In 1. 63. 8 Bishop John Wilkins wrote A Discourse Concerning a New World and Another Planet, in which he predicted a human colony on the Moon. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky 1. From the 1. 95. 0s onwards, a number of concepts and designs have been suggested by scientists, engineers and others. In 1. 95. 4, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke proposed a lunar base of inflatable modules covered in lunar dust for insulation. A spaceship, assembled in low Earth orbit, would launch to the Moon, and astronauts would set up the igloo like modules and an inflatable radio mast. Subsequent steps would include the establishment of a larger, permanent dome an algae based air purifier a nuclear reactor for the provision of power and electromagnetic cannons to launch cargo and fuel to interplanetary vessels in space. In 1. 95. 9, John S. Rinehart suggested that the safest design would be a structure that could float in a stationary ocean of dust, since there were, at the time this concept was outlined, theories that there could be mile deep dust oceans on the Moon. The proposed design consisted of a half cylinder with half domes at both ends, with a micrometeoroid shield placed above the base. Project HorizoneditProject Horizon was a 1. United States Armys plan to establish a fort on the Moon by 1. Detailed Project Report Solar Power Plant Pdf Viewer' title='Detailed Project Report Solar Power Plant Pdf Viewer' />TI is a global semiconductor design manufacturing company. Innovate with 80,000 analog ICs embedded processors, software largest salessupport staff. Ive been both a student and an instructor, and I totally get it. Textbooks are dry and hard to read. But if you dont have time to read the whole chapter like. Latest environmental news, features and updates. Pictures, video and more. Heinz Hermann Koelle, a German rocket engineer of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency ABMA led the Project Horizon study. It was proposed that the first landing would be carried out by two soldier astronauts in 1. It was posited that through numerous launches 6. Saturn I and 8. 8 Saturn II, 2. Lunex ProjecteditLunex Project was a US Air Force plan for a manned lunar landing prior to the Apollo Program in 1. It envisaged a 2. Air Force base on the Moon by 1. Sub surface baseeditIn 1. John De. Nike and Stanley Zahn published their idea of a sub surface base located at the Sea of Tranquility. This base would house a crew of 2. Earths atmosphere. De. Nike and Zahn favored nuclear reactors for energy production, because they were more efficient than solar panels, and would also overcome the problems with the long lunar nights. For the life support system, an algae based gas exchanger was proposed. Recent proposalseditIn 2. Jim Burke of the International Space University in France said people should plan to preserve humanitys culture in the event of a civilization stopping asteroid impact with Earth. A Lunar Noahs Ark was proposed. Subsequent planning may be taken up by the International Lunar Exploration Working Group ILEWG. In 2. 01. 6 Johann Dietrich Wrner, the new Chief of ESA, proposed the International Moon Village that incorporates 3. D printing, though funding for such a village has yet to materialize. Moon explorationeditExploration through 2. Exploration of the lunar surface by spacecraft began in 1. Soviet Unions Luna program. Luna 1 missed the Moon, but Luna 2 made a hard landing impact into its surface, and became the first artificial object on an extraterrestrial body. The same year, the Luna 3 mission radioed photographs to Earth of the Moons hitherto unseen far side, marking the beginning of a decade long series of unmanned Lunar explorations. Responding to the Soviet program of space exploration, US President John F. Kennedy in 1. 96. U. S.  Congress on May 2. I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. The same year the Soviet leadership made some of its first public pronouncements about landing a man on the Moon and establishing a Lunar base. Manned exploration of the lunar surface began in 1. Apollo 8spacecraft orbited the Moon with three astronauts on board. This was mankinds first direct view of the far side. The following year, the Apollo 1. Lunar module landed two astronauts on the Moon, proving the ability of humans to travel to the Moon, perform scientific research work there, and bring back sample materials. Additional missions to the Moon continued this exploration phase. In 1. 96. 9 the Apollo 1. Surveyor 3 spacecraft, demonstrating precision landing capability. The use of a manned vehicle on the Moons surface was demonstrated in 1. Lunar Rover during Apollo 1. Apollo 1. 6 made the first landing within the rugged Lunar highlands. However, interest in further exploration of the Moon was beginning to wane among the American public. In 1. 97. 2 Apollo 1. Apollo Lunar mission, and further planned missions were scrapped at the directive of President Nixon. Import Pdf Into Powerpoint on this page. Instead, focus was turned to the Space Shuttle and manned missions in near Earth orbit. In addition to its scientific returns, the Apollo program also provided valuable lessons about living and working in the lunar environment. The Soviet manned lunar programs failed to send a manned mission to the Moon. However, in 1. 96. Luna 9 was the first probe to achieve a soft landing and return close up shots of the Lunar surface. Luna 1. 6 in 1. 97. Soviet Lunar soil samples, while in 1. Lunokhod program two robotic rovers landed on the Moon. Lunokhod 1 explored the Lunar surface for 3. Lunokhod 2 operated on the Moon about four months only but covered a third more distance. Soviet Moonshot, two years after the last American manned landing. Besides the manned landings, an abandoned Soviet moon program included building the moonbase Zvezda, which was the first detailed project with developed mockups of expedition vehicles1. In the decades following, interest in exploring the Moon faded considerably, and only a few dedicated enthusiasts supported a return. However, evidence of Lunar ice at the poles gathered by NASAs Clementine 1. Lunar Prospector 1. Chinese space program that contemplated its own mission to the Moon. Subsequent research suggested that there was far less ice present if any than had originally been thought, but that there may still be some usable deposits of hydrogen in other forms. However, in September 2. Chandrayaan probe of India, carrying an ISRO instrument, discovered that the Lunar regolith contains 0. In 2. 00. 4, U. S. President. George W. Bush called for a plan to return manned missions to the Moon by 2. Constellation program. On June 1. 8, 2. 00.